The value of sharing knowledge

At Spring Green Consulting, we are firm believers that knowledge must be shared. We do this naturally through our collaborative approach to work, by presenting at various community of practice functions, and through mentoring and supporting others.

Mentoring is about sharing knowledge, skills and life experience to support others in achieving their goals – it may be over a long period of time, or for a short period to help them achieve a specific outcome. It can occur formally through an agreed mentoring relationship, or informally through coffee conversations.

Recently we have been privileged to be able to offer mentoring support to participants of a change management practitioner accreditation program. This provided participants an opportunity to present their current change challenges, seek feedback on their planned approach, and benefit from our change management experience (the good and the bad!).

While this was hopefully a useful experience for the participants (well they said so in their feedback anyway…), it is also great for us, as it refreshes our enthusiasm for our work and is a reminder that we all need to continue learning to stay up to date and fresh.

If you are interested in hearing more of our change stories, get in touch, we are always happy to share.